Monday, March 16, 2009

Hiking Adventure Saturday March 21st

Hello all,

I apologize in advance for the belated notice concerning this hiking opportunity.

Cabin fever is starting to get the best of some of us and spring is starting once again to make itself known. This means that it's time to get out of the house and spend some quality time outdoors.

I'm trying to organize an early spring hiking trip for anyone that wants to go this Saturday in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I've chosen a fairly easy route, details of which you can see by clicking on this link - Welch Mountain, Dickey Mountain Loop - The total distance is less than 5 miles and should take around 4 hours to complete.

My plan is to meet up in the parking lot at the trail head (start of the trail) at 11am Saturday March 21st, 2009. This will insure that we have enough time to hike the trail during the warmest part of the day. If you are planning on coming but might be late please let us know so we don't leave without you.. Otherwise we will assume that if you aren't there by 11 you aren't interested. If you need a ride contact myself (andytibbs at gmail) or Dave Leary (drcleary at gmail) and we'll see if we can work something out.

Weather for Saturday in the area looks to be in the mid 40's and partly sunny, though it may shower the next day and we're still a bit far out in the week to accurately predict anything.

The mountains are almost exactly two hours from Boston just off 93 north. For directions check out this link to a map

View Larger Map

(if you click on the view larger map button under the map it will also show you the driving directions)

Activities along the route will include a picnic lunch and perhaps, if we're lucky, some testing for a video project that Dave and I are working on that is an expose type piece with a "hiking in new england for dummies meets David Attenborough's nature" type feel... Participation in the project is optional and the hike will be really fun either way... You should all definitely come!

A few reminders:

1. It is New England in early spring... BRING WARM CLOTHES. Better to be prepared and carry all your sweaters in a backpack than not have them if you need them on top of a mountain. Also in this category... Rain gear and appropriate footwear. If you don't have boots bring two pairs of shoes and a change of socks.
2. Bring your own lunch
3. There will be a $3 dollar fee (per car) to park. When the forest service gets its act together and gets their website back up I'll let you know how to pay it, though I suspect there will be a kiosk in the parking lot.

I sincerely hope to see you all there... and sorry again for the late notice.

-Andy Tibbs

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